recently, there were some black moods.  angry, hateful, disgusting.  the funny thing about moods, is that they're catching.  more contagious than the flu, i think.  so i won't say who started it, but suffice it to say that, at one point or another, we had each become afflicted.  this got me thinking about the antidotes to a black mood.  we should each have a bag of them, and use them just like medicine.  my bag includes:
  • make cookies
  • a walk
  • music
  • lock myself up & work
  • an outing to the bookstore
  • an episode of the office, 30 rock, or curb your enthusiasm
  • lock myself up & read
  • a hot chai
  • new pajamas
  • scrabble, pente, or cards
  • car talk
you?  i tried to get everyone to make their own bag because when you need it most, you often forget what in the world you could do to make it better.


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