they say children love routine.  i was better at that when they were smaller and i was trying hard not to ruin them.  but all weekend my ten-year-old has been raging against routine.  everyday is the same.  morning comes.  breakfast, school, soccer, dinner, homework, sunset.  repeat.  i think he'd like it better if everything weren't so damn predictable.  as i tucked him in and listened to this diatribe one more time, i had to keep myself from saying the following:  nothing is guaranteed.  just because you've always had dinner when you're hungry and a bath when you were dirty, clean clothes when you wanted them and sneakers that fit doesn't mean that you can count on anything.  even the fucking sunshine.  aren't you worried about a nuclear holocaust?  you may look back on this cycle of doldrums and wish for them.  right? as adults we know that everyday may be our best.  or our last.  it may be the very one.  and sometimes it seems like no matter how reliable the planet's path is, our own is anything but.


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